First, you need to register by clicking the Register Now! button. To re-start a team from last year, you must have been a member of the team in the same event last year and log in with the username and password you used last year. Forgot your username and password? Send an email and we will reset it for you – Once logged in, you will be asked if you would like to re-start your team from last year. Choose to re-start your team and continue with the registration flow.
To register family members, begin your own registration and enter your details. At the end of the registration flow, you will see a Register Another Person button; click this button to add children or other dependents for whom you have the legal authority to sign our liability waiver.
If you've already completed your event registration and want to register someone else for whom you have the authority to sign our liability waiver, simply log out of the website and begin a new registration. You can check to see if you are logged in by viewing the top right-hand side of the event website. If it says Welcome, Name, you are logged in and need to log out before you register another individual.
Please note: Each participant should register themselves so they can accept the terms of the liability waiver and provide a valid email address so they can receive details about the event. Those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult and have had an adult sign the liability waiver during the registration process.
To get help registering a large team, please contact Jessica Veach at or 206-915-1909.